We make it easy to succeed with video
Video is the way to more business and customers

There's a reason SF Anytime, HBO & Tele2 choose Magnus and Björn
We make it easy to succeed with video, with the idea that you should earn more.

100% Specialists
The right person
With over 20 years of experience, we bring together the right projects with the right people
Our offer 
100% Future proofing
The right choice
Our idea is breakthroughs through innovation - it provides partnerships for the future
Our offer 
100% Sustainable
The right path
No other technology is so green communication - video makes it right and fun
Our offer 
100% Success rate
The right result
Choose the one that is the evolution for maximized opportunities - and minimized risk
Our offer 
01. Create
Goals, problem formulation and success factors; Here we lay together the foundations for success
02. Validate
Is the project feasible and at what cost; Through a pilot we get important decision-making
03. Control
Balance organization, process and technology; Control and calibrate are the key to fast, good projects
04. Delivering
Flexible frameworks and adequate testing; Start from the start by finishing - everyone happy!
Magnus Hoem, Head of research
Video everywhere
We now live in a world where every organization is, first and foremost, a video organization. It doesn't matter if you're in media, medtech or sell bread, video is the baseline for all organizations and companies. The pandemic accelerated the development of the industry and as the readiness for video has grown, so have the opportunities. Companies can do more with their video data today than ever before.
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Video Genius™
Leading operators choose T3

We make it easy to succeed with video
We are active in six areas, see what suits you:
Greener, safer, smarter and faster video. 24/7.
Systems with capabilities for every scenario. Challenge us.
Skim of the revenue below the surface. We have all the practices.